Party Hard, Party Safe

Party Hard, Party Safe

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A week in postings... Sorry, know I'm late you all, but hey!!

Sunday 21st January
Another quiet Sunday. Had a braai, watched a DVD and went to bed early…
Nothing more to say!!

Saturday 20th January
Packed my DJ gear and headed to Cape Town where I did a product launch for a major company. Then it was off to Vacca Matta for a fun-filled night, blessed by the sweet tunes one DJ Theo and his wife and fellow DJ can deliver. Was absolutely great!! The reason for all this??

It was Pierre’s Birthday Party!!! Since his first drink was a dbl Stroh with a shot of Zappa all mixed in a tumbler, we knew that this man needs to keep standing… and we made shure he did…. Really looked after him, like only friends can, by keeping his glass filled all the time. Hehehe… not just alcohol, but also plain Coke and lots of water. Pierre and myself were the last to leave, and frankly, I’m not going to mention the bar-tab…

Friday 19th January
Again had to rush to Stellenbosch to fix some sound. It is amazing that a lot of these DJ’s in Stellenbosch think that they know everything about sound, only to discover that they turned the wrong knob or pushed the wrong button.

I see it all the time… settings being changed by DJ’s on Compression Limiters and Crossovers, just because the DJ thinks that the sound system needs more bass. If something blows, I must rush out and fix. Thank you to all the DJ’s out there that has itchy fingers. You pay my bills!!

Thursday 18th January
Aaa… Another VIP party at Vacca Matta. did the second VIP party at Vacca Matta with MOJO, our new brand backing us. All had a great evening and the Jesse Jordan Band entertained us throughout the evening.

When the band finished, we were treated to the sweet sounds of DJ Theo. The party soon speeded up into a frenzy of shooters, MOJO, tequila and anything else nice and naughty. It was great to be amongst some of the old crowd from the club Town in Claremont, with which we were so closely involved with. It was great to exchange old stories and to find out what happened to each-other while we were going our separate ways.

Needless to say, after my R880-00 bar-tab, it was time for me to head home…

Wednesday 17th January

Got up early to fix washing machine for a client, and then I was off to see another client in Somerset West. Then I rushed to Stellenbosch and supplied a club with some globes that they urgently needed. I serviced some lights and thereafter went to favorite water-hole in Stellenbosch, where I had a great evening.

Also picked up two monitor speakers that I need to fix as well… o boy, my house is getting to full for all these repairs…

Tuesday 16th January

Worked on some of the broken equipment and repairs that is starting to slowly invade my home… Space is getting to be a problem, and so is finding parts. Looks like this is the scenario at the beginning of every year.

Left the house at 14-00 for Cape Town. Got a booking for a Foam party at a private house. It was apparently some surprise birthday party or something. Got there and set up. It was for some youngster that had a party, age group from I guess 17 to around 19/20. Kewl party, and I don’t think their swimming pool will ever be the same. Party did however stop early because of a cellphone that got stolen. The dad wasn’t very impressed.

Monday 15th January

Aaaaa… Monday blues… Went to Cape Town early morning to fetch some speakers and an amplifier that I ordered. I have to fit these items today in a restaurant that is opening on Friday. So it is a rush rush situation. Got back at around 14-00 and went straight to the restaurant to fit them. Job done, I went home and took a shower, had some dinner, and relaxed for half an hour.

Then it was off to Stellenbosch to fetch some more equipment that decided to fail on their users. It’s amazing. Clients phone you and ask me for prices on equipment. I quote them, and then they go buy cheap stuff, and a couple of months, they phone me to repair it. In the end it is costing them more!! Why bother to phone me for a quote in the first place??

Sunday 14th January

Simply had a quiet day at home, spending it with fami9ly and had a braai in the evening. Did however had a bottle of the most horrific, yucky wine I had in a long time. Drank 1 glass and poured the rest on the lawn.

Don’t think I need to cut the grass in that section again…
I fetched some speakers last night that needs repairing from Stellenbosch. Thing is so big I left it on the bakkie last night. Think I will offload it today


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