Ok, so I’ve been lagging a bit with the Blog, But Here’s the Update!!
Some of you know that I’m fairly busy with doctors and all the medical stuff accompanying it, so yes, I do apologies for not posting a lot on the blog… Here is a brief update on what’s been happening in my life…
I’m still single as a long-lost winter-housefly, on a diet for reasons known to me alone, and working my butt. That to put it lightly…
Saturday the 24th of March
Had a private party to do for the neighbor, and had to run around looking for a DJ. Also played at Nameless Pub, Somerset West. Had to supply PA and lighting for both events.
Friday the 23rd of March
Had a foam party @ de Hoop Primary School in Somerset West for their fund-raising.
Had a second foam party in Hermanus and had to send Pierre and Jaco. They got stuck in the traffic due to the Off-road Motor-rally being held in Grabouw on the 24th and 25th of March. (more info - http://motoring.iafrica.com/sa_sport/sa_rally/972383.htm ) These guys are having trail-runs, so the N2 traffic got stopped every now and then. Pierre and Jaco got there 20 minutes late, only to hear that the whole thing was cancelled just because they were 20 minutes late!! We did let the people know that we are stuck on the N2… Nothing else to do for them but to turn around and come back…
I also DJ’d at Nameless pub, Somerset West and did the PA
Thursday 22nd of March
Played my Sets at Denim & Diamonds, Stellenbosch. It was a little quiet, but I guess it’s due to the students studying for their tests. We’ll see next week..
Wednesday 21st of March
Played in Wellington and took some MOJO gifts with…
Sunday the 18th of March
Comedy Show in Green Point… this is getting Huge!!
Saturday 17th of March
Had a big wedding for some VIP’s in Tulbagh. Was a great success, and DJ Stevie supplied the music… Awesome!! I supplied PA and lighting
Friday 16th of March
DJ’d at Nameless Pub, Somerset West, and supplied PA.
Thursday 15th of March
Funky Thursdays @ Denim & Diamonds, Stellenbosch!! This party rocks!! I’m giving away CD’s, and MOJO… Luv the vibe Baby!!
Wednesday 14th of March
DJ’d in Wellington
Sunday 11th of March
Comedy Show in Green Point, AGAIN!!
Saturday 10th March
DJ’d at Nameless Pub, Somerset West. Also had two other mobiles to attend to, just set-ups and PA
Friday 9th of March
DJ’d and supplied PA at Nameless Pub, Somerset West, and had a foam party to send off.
Thursday 8th of March
Played at Denim & Diamonds. What a lot of good-looking crazy people!! Love it to play music they would normally hear when they go to Cape Town… and they love it too!!
Wednesday 7th of March
Played my sets in Wellington. This new place rocks!!
Sunday 4th of March
Went to a Comedy show in Green Point. The Sushi and cocktails were again half price between 16-00 and 19-00. Great way to relax on a Sunday.
Saturday 3rd of March
Did a foam party in Melkbos Strand… Was ok…
Thursday 1st of March
Funky Thursday at Denim & Diamonds. The party just gets bigger and better. Gave away a whole lot of goodies, and looks like the students are hungry for new, fresh music in Stellenbosch… That’s exactly what I supply!!
Wednesday 28th of February
Grand opening of the new place in Wellington
Sunday 25th of February
Went to a Comedy show in Green Point. Was great to see all my old buddies and we had a great laugh. The Sushi and cocktails are also half price between 16-00 and 19-00. What a bargain!!
Saturday 24th of February
Did a foam party and a Wet T-shirt contest at Blu, Hermanus. It was great fun!!
Friday 23rd February
Did a foam party and a Wet T-shirt contest at Nameless Pub, Somerset West. Also supplied the PA and DJ’d
Thursday 22nd of February
Funky Thursday DJ set at Denim & Diamonds, Stellenbosch
Wednesday 21st of February
DJ’d in Wellington
Tuesday 20th of February
Did a party at Springbok Pub Newlands. It was just a sound set-up and other DJ’s playing. They wanted this sound rig that was way too big for the event in any case, but hey, the customer wants, I deliver!! Also wanted a 2nd set-up outside, and lighting.
They also had these hip-hop guys doing their thing on the mics. We set the sound perfectly and did a trail run before the party. Then the group’s “Sound engineer” pitched up, and everything turned into a disaster, as he didn’t have a clue what he was doing…
Only packed up at 4-30 the next morning.
Friday 16th of February till Sunday 18th of February
Did a concert in the middle of nowhere… lets just leave it with that…
Thursday 15th of February
Did my Funky Thursday gig at Denim & Diamonds, Stellenbosch… Someone needs to educate these students… hehe
Wednesday 14th of February
Yip, Valentines Day… still single, and did a foam party in Green Point of all places. Was fun though… bit different, but fun…
Saturday 10th February
Just the normal rentals that went out, and the morning I did some amazing skydiving… Whooohaaaa…
Friday 9th February
Spend an evening with myself and the Bulldog, then went out or a drink or two. Only had a couple of rentals that went out.
Thursday 8th February
Started my new party in Stellenbosch. It’s Called Funky Thursdays and it’s something completely different to what the other places are doing. It’s the first time in quite some time that I’m playing in Stellenbosch, and it is amazing to see the reaction on people’s faces when they actually hear music that they would only hear in Cape Town.
I’m pulling in a lot of resources, involving some record companies and MOJO…
Looks like this is going to be fun!!
Tuesday 6th February
Tired after the visit to the hospital, worked on the websites and took it easy.
Monday 5th of February
Had some electrical work to do and went down to the hospital.
Saturday3rd February
Foam party and Wet T-Shirt Competition in Hermanus
Friday 2nd February
Did a foam party in Wellington, as well as a Wet T-Shirt competition.
Wednesday 31st January
Had two foam parties, one at a club in Stellenbosch, the other one at a dormitory in Stellenbosch. I did the one at the club, where I met this amazing Girl that just keeps partying!! Her name is C and we had a good time.
She has got a boyfriend, and I don’t think that there will be anything more that just being friends coming from this ordeal. But I must admit, she is a hell-uva lot of fun to party with.
Monday 29th January
Had a few meetings in Stellenbosch, and had a great party in Stellies that evening.
Saturday 27th January
I set up sound @ Delviera for a wedding, and it went off great with Hennie and Stevie playing all the best hits.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
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