Party Hard, Party Safe

Party Hard, Party Safe

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Update 29th May 2007

I know that I promised that this blog will be a reflection of my private life, but for some reason I simply didn’t feel like writing in it the last couple of weeks… I told everyone asking that I simply didn’t have the time, but maybe I was simply lying to myself and to them, for I really didn’t want to reflect any of my personal feelings over the last couple of weeks on this blog.

Needless to say, a promise is a promise, so I will simply have to face it then. Lets start with the simple things, that sort off makes sense to me…

I lost 7kg so far. Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but the doctor said I should lose weight, and fast. Apparently it will help with my health, illnesses and all that. I also decided to cut down on my usual Brandy and Coke when I go out. I now settle for a relaxing Bombay Sapphire Gin and Tonic. After that, a simple cider or spirit cooler for me thanks.

I received my new cellphone, and yes, I plead guilty… it’s a Nokia. Nokia N95… endless problems and probably a mistake I will regret for a long time. This phone is a bit like those commercials you watch in the early mornings on TV, where, if you order now, you will receive this, this and this, bla bla bla… What a load of crap!! If anyone wants a frustration tied to their hip, get yourself a Nokia. Boy o boy, do I miss my Sony Ericsson. It has got nice functions and all the toys, whistles and what-have-you’s, but eish… frustrations like you cant believe!! User-friendly my ass!! Nokia, thank you for a stressful life being more stressful now…

Business-wise it’s been very busy. My CD is due soon, and besides all my normal rentals etc I DJ Wednesday through to Saturday now. It’s a bit of a touch and go situation, but hey, I enjoy being busy. It does get to me every now and then, but its cool… I’ll cope, just like always.

It’s funny how certain things happen in ones life that you didn’t foresee… Suddenly certain ppl come across my path again, and the next moment, I lend them money to start a little business. It’s not that we weren’t close; it’s just that something told me to reach out a little for a change. My history so far was pretty much a one-way deal, and I decided to give someone else a chance to achieve something. I trust that I made the right decision. Besides, money is an expendable commodity. Time will tell…

Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of May I spent in Kleinmond with family, and it was fun seeing them, even going out with my cousin and her boyfriend for a few drinks. Recon I should do it more often. Craig went with, and in a way he makes me think of my old friend Craig that passed away a while back. They are both realistic in life, facing it head-on, not budging one bit.
I for some reason like it like that. People that are straight, to the point, with no hidden pretensions. If I was out in the field, Craig could have been my flank-man, just like my old friend Craig was. I would trust him, no doubt.

Otherwise I’m just enjoying life. Guess I have to. Life is too short to waste any of it that’s given to you. Guess it is a matter of give and take. Works like this, not so, even nature’s the perfect example.

Sometimes I wonder why life can be so harsh, so unforgiving, yet pulling a trigger can be so easy, without any emotions. It seems like certain things are simply taken for granted, programmed into someone, yet other things need some mental adjustment. Guess it’s all for a good cause anyway. Sting or be stung…

The Blue Eyes… aaaaaa…. Now for the other part.

I came across the most amazing set of blue eyes recently. A real true friend emerged from nowhere, and I simply have to share this:

Blue eyes peering thro' leaves of green
Bluer than the sky, bluer than the sea,
Oh, rarest flower! Blue Rose-so beautiful,
Others pale in compare,
Blue as the sapphire-the fairest of gems,
Bright as the bluest Star-in darkest night;
Ah, blue Rose, if Heaven were not made of Love,
Angels would envy thee!
Yet, in early-morn's dew,
tear-drops fall from pools of blue,
Don't cry, little Rose, don't be sad!
With sweetest of fragrance-soft petals open, too
Reveal your lovely blue gown;
blue Rose, you deserve the Crown!

That’s all I will say on that subject… The rest, well, we’ll see who can eat the most pizza. Hehehe.

I am working on a couple of big contracts and are also importing some goods that might just set a new business alight in South Africa. That’s all I’m willing to say right now with regards to that as well. Lets just say that I spend a great deal of time on the Internet, and I hate research at the moment!!

I’m still keeping myself busy with music-production, but at the moment I’m doing a lot of remixes of songs that I feel has got a meaning for me personally. After all, what else is music all about, except a journey?…


Unknown said...

I dont know what to say to this one

Nightguide Webmaster said...

Hey Juanique...

What do you mean you dont know what to say... This is a blog you know... Just say it!!